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Persistent heterogeneity of R&D intensities within sectors: Evidence and policy implications
Do firms in the same sector converge towards the same R&D intensities? Previous research has often assumed this to be… Show more true. A closer examination, using microdata from the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard for the years 2000-2015, shows a large amount of heterogeneity in R&D intensities among firms in the same sector, and that this heterogeneity persists over time. Statistical tests of convergence show that the variation in R&D intensities does not decrease over time (i.e. no s-convergence), although firms with an R&D intensity below the industry average do seem to catch up with the leaders (i.e. evidence of ß-convergence). Overall, firms in the same industry do not converge to a common R&D intensity. Policy implications are discussed. Show less
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PDF The 2017 EU Survey on Industrial R&D Investment Trends
The EU R&D Survey is a yearly survey amongst the top 1000 EU-based R&D investing companies from the R&D Scoreboard.… Show more The 151 participating companies in this report declared a total R&D investment from their own resources of €53.9 billion in 2016, or more than one-quarter of the total R&D investment by the 1000 companies of the 2016 EU Scoreboard. The companies that participated in the EU Survey on Industrial R&D Investment Trends expect R&D investment to increase by an average of 4.7% in the two years 2017 and 2018, with the highest growth expectations in the ‘Automobile and Other Transport' and ‘Health' sectors groups. Last year's expected growth was 1.4%. This year's expectations are the highest since 2007. If we compare only those companies that participated in the last three editions of the survey, the growth trend remains clear, with considerably higher growth expected in this year's edition (around 4.0%) than in the last two editions (around 2.5%). Participating firms expect their R&D investments within the EU to increase by 3.5% p.a., while significant increases are expected in the US (+15.1%), China (+20.2%) and India (+22.1%). The proportion of R&D performed within the EU is expected to decrease slightly from 76.0% to 73.4% and has been around three-quarters throughout the EU Survey editions since 2006. Quality and availability of researchers and macroeconomic and political stability are the factors that are rated most often as (highly) attractive by firms performing R&D in the EU only. If we look at firms that perform R&D in the US, we see that these firms value proximity to technology poles and access to markets much more highly than firms that do not perform R&D in the US. Firms performing R&D in China or India value low labour costs and proximity to suppliers much more than firms that do not perform R&D in China or India. Access to markets, macroeconomic stability and quality of personnel are most often rated as the most attractive factors by firms only producing in the EU. Low employment protection is considered least important. Firms with production activities in the US mainly value quality of personnel and access to markets as important factors for deciding on where to locate production. Around 80% of the total R&D investment made by the companies surveyed is spent in the later stages of the development process, namely applied and development activities. By contrast, ‘Basic research' accounts for only about one-tenth of all R&D investment, but also has the lowest concentration level[1] of all types of R&D, which indicates that many firms consider maintaining a level of 'Basic research' important. The largest EU R&D investors are true global players, with the US, Germany, China and France being the main locations for R&D activities. One out of three companies performs R&D in each of the four main economic areas. At the same time, the historical location decision remains an important factor for locating R&D activities: 87% of the respondents mentioned the companies' headquarters location as the country where the highest proportion of R&D is currently being performed, which indicates that the internationalisation and offshoring of R&D activities does not necessarily lead to the disappearance of the home site. This may also be because of the capital intensive investments that have been made initially at the original location. Quality and availability of researchers are factors that companies value the most for the attractiveness of an R&D location, while labour costs are the least important factor. However, low labour costs are rated as much more important by firms that perform R&D outside the EU than by firms that perform R&D only inside the EU. Together with proximity to technology poles, these are the factors that global firms perceive as much more important. Show less
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Design, innovation and performance in European firms
This paper provides some new theoretical speculations and empirical evidence on the relationship between design, innovation and economic performance at… Show more the firm level. We posit that design investments may provide firms with a higher capacity of introducing product/process innovations, but that the ensuing economic performance is rather associated to the role of design within the firm. Moreover, once controlled for the firm's non-technological innovativeness and other knowledge-production inputs, the role of design does also relate to the introduction of innovative products and/or processes. We provide a systematic empirical test for these arguments on a sample of more than 12,000 European firms from the last EC Innobarometer survey. The econometric estimates are consistent with our expectations. However, while a higher innovativeness is also associated with a non-systematic resort to design, a higher innovation-based performance is coupled with an increasingly more central role of design, providing this is at least non-occasional. Innovations do actually look "design-led" overall, but innovating successfully apparently requires the firm to retain such a driver central to its business model. Show less
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The short-run effect of Knowledge intensive greenfield FDI on new domestic entry
Existing evidence on the impact of foreign direct investment on domestic economies remains ambiguous. Positive technology spillovers of foreign investment… Show more may be outweighed by negative crowding out effect due to increased competition. In this paper, we employ a unique country/sector-level data set to investigate the impact of what is considered the ‘best' type of foreign investment —greenfield knowledge intensive FDI— on domestic entry. Our results suggest that, in the short run, this type of FDI is positively related to the entry rate in the host country, if the domestic sector is either dynamic, or highly R&D intensive. These sectors may be respectively characterized by lower entry costs, which encourage a ‘trial-and-error' learning business approach, and by a higher level of absorptive capacity which increases the chance of technology transfer. Show less
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Firm market valuation and intellectual property assets
This paper investigates the relationship between the innovative activity of the top corporate R&D investors worldwide and their valuation on… Show more the financial markets. The empirical analysis is based on a sample of more than 1,500 top publicly listed Multinational Corporations (MNCs) performing a considerable share of the business investment in R&D worldwide. The main dataset covers their intellectual properties, patents and trademarks, filed between 2005 and 2012. The paper extends upon the recent literature on the links between IP assets and the firms' financial valuation. It assesses the potential premium resulting from the interactive use of different IPRs. More importantly, it differentiates the extent to which IPRs confer a market premium to companies with respect to their industrial competitors from the extent to which within-company variations hold the key to a market premium. Finally confirming the relevance of corporate mixes of IP assets, important industrial specificities are found in the premiums granted to both individual and two-ways strategies. Show less
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Manufacturing the future: is the manufacturing sector a driver of R&D, exports and productivity growth?
Many industrialized countries in Europe and North America have experienced a steady decline in the manufacturing sector over the last… Show more few decades. Amid growing concerns that outsourcing and offshoring have destabilized European economies, policymakers have suggested that a large manufacturing sector can: i) boost R&D, ii) encourage exporting, and iii) raise productivity. We examine these claims. Non-parametric plots and regressions show a robust positive association between the manufacturing sector and Business R&D expenditures (BERD), while the relationship between manufacturing and exports or productivity is more elusive. Finally, we explore whether a manufacturing sector target of 20% of value-added will help reach a BERD target of 3% of GDP. Show less
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European R&D networks: A snapshot from the 7th EU Framework Programme
Recent empirical studies have investigated the territorial impact of Europe's research policies, in particular the contribution of the European Framework… Show more Programmes to the integration of a European Research Area. This paper deepens the analysis on the integration and participation of peripheral regions, by focusing on the differences in intensity and determinants of inter-regional collaborations across three groups of collaborations. We consider collaborations among more developed regions, between more and less developed regions, and among less developed regions. Building on the recent spatial interaction literature, this paper investigates the effects of physical, institutional, social and technological proximity on the intensity of inter-regional research collaboration across heterogenous European regions. We find that the impact of disparities in human capital and technological proximity on regional R&D cooperation is relevant and differs across subgroups of collaborations. Moreover, despite the efforts of integrating marginal actors, peripheral regions have lower rates of collaborations. Show less
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Sources of Knowledge Used by Entrepreneurial Firms in the European High-Tech Sector
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between an entrepreneur's experience and education and his/her reliance on… Show more alternative sources of knowledge for exploring new business opportunities. The extant literature that is at the crossroads between sources of knowledge and the experiential and intellectual base of an entrepreneur (i.e., dimensions of his/her human capital) suggests that it is through experience and through education that an entrepreneur obtains knowledge. Using information on a sample of high-tech manufacturing firms across 10 European countries, we explore heterogeneities in the influence of experience, age, and education of the firm's primary founder on the perceived importance of (i.e., use of) alternative sources of knowledge. We find that the association of these characteristics differs significantly across sources of knowledge, and across European regions. Education is positively related to the importance of knowledge from research institutes and internal know-how, while age is negatively related to the importance of research institutes and positively related to publications and conferences. On the one hand, in South/East European countries, the importance of internal know-how is positively associated with age and education, but negatively associated with experience. On the other hand, the characteristics of primary founders of North/West European firms are more linked to the importance of the participation to funded research programmes. This source of knowledge is related positively with age and education and negatively with experience Show less
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PDF The 2017 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard
The 2017 edition of the EU R&D Scoreboard (the Scoreboard) comprises the 2500 companies investing the largest sums in R&D… Show more in the world in 2016/17. These companies, based in 43 countries, each invested over €24m in R&D for a total of €741.6bn which is approximately 90% of the world's business-funded R&D. They include 567 EU companies accounting for 26% of the total, 822 US companies for 39%, 365 Japanese companies for 14%, 376 Chinese for 8% and the rest-of-the-world (RoW) for 13%. Show less
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PDF Advanced Manufacturing Activities of Top R&D investors: Geographical and Technological Patterns
This study builds upon and extends results that were obtained in the context of the Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Competitiveness… Show more AMTEC project, in which the technological profiles of the patent portfolios of the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard companies were constructed using patent-based analysis. The main questions addressed by this study were (1) In which countries are the most important inventors of AMTs and applicants for AMT-related patents located? (2) Is it possible to analyse internationalisation patterns and knowledge flows between world regions and countries? and (3) Are there any special patterns and clusters between AMT related technological fields and the five core KETs and, if so, which companies are responsible for the development of these technological applications? Show less