Why join CONCORDi 2023

Reasons to join CONCORDi 2023

1. Science-to-policy forum: CONCORDi is a unique open exchange that pulls together different stakeholders (academics, industrials and policymakers) and gives them a chance to work together to build a better tomorrow.

2. CONCORDi 2023 focuses on "Industrial innovation for Open Strategic Autonomy – leaving no one and no one behind"It will provide a timely opportunity to discuss how industrial innovation can help to alleviate the EU vulnerability and reduce strategic dependencies, reinforce technological sovereignty in strategic sectors, sustain strategic partnerships, develop capabilities in critical technologies, and foster the creation of firms and their growth in key technology fields in the EU.  It will address EU industrial and innovation policies, identify opportunities for competitiveness, territorial cohesion and social inclusion, and support other policies conducive to innovation, such as the European Single Market, Trade and Competition, aiming for a full realisation of the Open Strategic Autonomy and, with it, the achievement of the European Green Deal, Twin Transition and Cohesion objectives.

3. Great scientific base. In 16 years, we have enjoyed the insights of three Nobel Laureates (Robert Solow, Eric Maskin and Finn E. Kydland) and the excellent Scientific Committee memberships ensuring top quality. Among the 2023 participants, we find the top list "ISI Highly Cited Researchers", chief editors of leading journals, and top executives from preeminent worldwide academic institutions.

4. CONCORDi shapes the science-to-policy research agenda. Fulfilling the JRC mandate of translating science into policy the conference will unleash the full potential of synergies from the best available knowledge across Europe and beyond. Examples of common research streams are financing R&D and innovation, internationalisation of R&D, scientific evidence for industrial innovation policy, high-growth of innovative firms, and economic and social challenges of digital and green transitions.

5. Peers such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and key policymakers, e.g. European Commission’s senior policymakers and the Spanish EU presidency of the European Council, as an example of the growing partnership and the ongoing collaboration between JRC and national authorities and international organisations. The CONCORDi Policy Forum focuses on the link between scientific output and the EU policy agenda. This allows discussion and re-assessment of the policy agenda based on recent research findings by leading actors.

6. The personal contact around the CONCORDi conference enables impactful messages to EU policy stakeholders. Participants included Ministers, European Commissioners, Commission Director-Generals, representatives from the European Central Bank and the European Investment Bank, United Nations for Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and many more. The results of this conference series make an explicit impact on EU policy-making, for example in the 2021 Competitiveness Council meeting on “Creating an innovative Europe”.

7. Selected outcomes of the Conference are published in special issues of top scientific journals, such as:

8. CONCORDI also hosts the input of industry representatives who validate the output of the Conference. It has enjoyed participation from market leader companies and European business associations, such as Biplastech, Bosch Climate Solutions, Dow Chemical, EURECAT, European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (UEAPME), INESC TEC, LIST, Merck Group, Philips Truffle Capital, or Tyndall.