9th European Conference on Corporate R&D and Innovation CONCORDi 2023

Industrial Innovation for Open Strategic Autonomy. Leaving no one and no place behind.

Seville (Spain) 24-26 October 2023

Science for Policy Brief: Summary of results

"A resilient, competitive, fair and sustainable EU:  Industrial Innovation for Open Strategic Autonomy"

Science for Policy Brief

This article gives a short EU policy contextualisation of “Industrial innovation for Open Strategic Autonomy – leaving no one and no place behind’’ followed by a digest of the results of CONCORDi 2023 conference (Oct. 24-26, 2023) on the same subject.

It focusses on policy relevance, drawing on new scientific evidence, insights and recommendations highlighting some of the policy challenges ahead.

Watch the recorded videos of the plenaries here:

24 October 2023  

CONCORDi 2023 - Streaming Service of the European Commission (europa.eu)

25 October 2023  

CONCORDi 2023 - Streaming Service of the European Commission (europa.eu)

26 October 2023 

CONCORDi 2023 - Streaming Service of the European Commission (europa.eu)

Feedback survey

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Read the paper which sets the scene and provides background information on 'Industrial Innovation  for Open Strategic  Autonomy”, the main focus of the 9th edition of the European Conference on  Corporate R&D and Innovation (CONCORDi  2023), as well as introduces scientific contributions  that will be presented at the conference. 

It thus aims to stimulate fruitful  discussion between academia, experts and policy-makers at the  conference, identifying potential policy initiatives and  areas where additional research  and  evidence  are needed. 


Conference highlights 

The biennial European Conference CONCORDi is a science-to-policy forum for leading academics and policymakers to discuss issues relevant to present and future EU policy agendas arising from frontier scientific knowledge on Corporate R&D and Innovation. 

EU independent in critical sectors in the path of twin transitions? CONCORDi 2023!

CONCORDi conferences have been organised by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) Directorate for Fair and Sustainable Economy in Seville since 2007 (for more information, see here).

The JRC will host the 9th edition of CONCORDi (2023) in cooperation with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Spanish Government as the conference  will be part of the events for the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the second half of 2023.


Save the date


The 2023 edition of the conference will focus on the topic Open Strategic Autonomy in the context of the current transition to a green and digital economy, as this is now at the core of the EU’s industrial policy agenda (1). The EU’s Open Strategic Autonomy policy aims to alleviate vulnerabilities and reinforce technological sovereignty of the EU in strategic sectors of the economy, such as energy, mobility, health, food supply, digital technologies and space-defence-security.

In light of the above, CONCORDi 2023 will focus on the role of corporate investment in Research & Innovation (R&I), sustainable practices and related policies, and how they can address issues relating to open strategic autonomy and technological vulnerabilities in key sectors and technologies.

It is expected that the conference will inform the on-going pursuit of the EU’s policy priorities including the Industrial strategy for Europe, the New European Innovation Agenda, the European Green Deal and the recent Green Deal Industrial Plan, as well as Strategic Autonomy and Technological Leadership policy objectives.

Novel scientific contributions: Parallel and Poster sessions

Original scientific work will be presented at CONCORDi 2023. The novel scientific contributions will fit the broad thematic tracks indicated below:

  • Industrial innovation to alleviate vulnerability and reinforce technological sovereignty in strategic sectors
  • Industrial innovation in critical technologies and for the reduction of key dependencies
  • Identification of territorial opportunities linked to industrial innovation for competitiveness, regional cohesion and social inclusion
  • Creation and growth of firms in prominent technological fields.

The selected scientific contributions for presentation by the authors in Parallel Sessions and in Poster Sessions as well as the attendance of the audience in such sessions will be only possible in-person.

Science for Policy: Plenary Sessions  

The conference will offer seven Plenary Sessions in total. Besides the Opening and Closing Plenary Sessions, these sessions will focus on the following topics related to Industrial innovation for Open Strategic Autonomy:

  • Academic contribution to innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Research, innovation, and technology policy in times of geopolitical competition
  • The EU in the global context: Trade; EU positioning vs main competitors; governance & international organizations
  • The EU policies related to Open Strategic Autonomy:  Single Market integration; Circular Economy; Digital & Green transition; Innovation and industrial policy.

Attendance at all Plenary Sessions of the conference may be either in-person or virtual.


The conference will take place in the following venue:

Edificio Cartuja Center, Calle Leonardo da Vinci 7, Isla de la Cartuja, Seville (Spain)

Best Paper Award

The Scientific and Steering Committees will evaluate the manuscripts submitted and a best scientific paper award will be offered at CONCORDi 2023 to authors whose work represents path-breaking and policy-relevant research in the area.




(1) For a definition of Open Strategic Autonomy please refer to "Europe’s moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation, May 2020 – Commission Communication, COM(2020) 456 final, 27 May 2020". This concept is also well endorsed in recent documents such as the following: “European Commission (2022). “A New European Agenda”. Brussels, European Commission COM(2022) 332, 5 July”.