On Monday, 10th January 2022, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) – Growth and Innovation Directorate (JRC.B7) together with the European Investment Bank (EIB) co-hosted the workshop “High-Growth Enterprises and the impact of COVID-19”. The aim of the workshop was to present and discuss with experts the findings in two draft research papers, dealing with how COVID-19 affected i) investment expectations by vulnerable European firms, and ii) employment and digitalisation activities of productive firms and HGEs. Both draft papers have been jointly written by Prof. Alexander Coad (Waseda University), Prof. Mercedes Teruel (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), Rozalia Pal, Peter Harasztosi (EIB) and colleagues from the High-Growth Enterprises team in JRC.B7 (Sofia Amaral-Garcia, Peter Bauer, Clemens Domnick) and are part of an on-going research collaboration between the EIB and the JRC on high-growth enterprises.
The workshop was introduced by Xabier Goenaga, Head of Unit JRC.B7, and Debora Revoltella, EIB Chief Economist. A total of 114 participants attended the workshop, including colleagues from different services of the European Commission (DG GROW, DG RTD, DG ECFIN, among others), experts from the European Investment Bank, the European Investment Fund, the European Central Bank, the OECD, KfW, and academia.