8 th IRIMA Workshop on Corporate R&D and Innovation Value Chains: Implications for EU Territorial Policy

08 Mar 2017

The key issues discussed between academics, policymakers and industry representatives focussed on the following questions:

  • What are the patterns and rationales underlying the decisions of firms to further break up (or not) their corporate R&D and innovation processes into sub-functions or activities across international networks of actors and places?
  • How do these patterns of knowledge and technology sourcing and generation relate to the broader GVCs and production-related networks?
  • Which differences can be observed across industries and between manufacturing and services industries?
  • How do these dynamics interact with and impact on the economic, industrial and technological systems within and across European territories?
  • How should the current territorial policies, promoting at the same time the place-based development of innovation capabilities and the upgrade of the EU industry in the global value chains and innovation networks, be adapted to respond to these corporate trends?

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