The biennial European Conference on Corporate R&D and Innovation discusses on issues related to the economics and policy of corporate R&D and innovation.
Organised by the Joint Research Centre in association with the OECD, CONCORDi 2019 aims to identify the research, business and policy challenges in this area for the decade to come, and to provide guidance to the EU industrial research and innovation policy agenda.
CONCORDi 2019 is organised around three main themes:
1. New technologies, structural change, and industrial transformation
► R&D gaps and dynamics;
► Digital transformation;
► Global and local innovation;
► Industry 4.0;
► Advanced Manufacturing: local and global aspects;
► Firm dynamics and barriers.
2. Industrial innovation and socio-economic transformation
► Digitalisation and employment;
► Innovation and employment;
► Sustainability;
► Skills;
► Green technologies;
► Social return of technological change.
3. Intangibles, diffusion of technology, and policy
► Productivity and technology diffusion;
► Internationalisation of R&D;
► Policy for innovation;
► Effectiveness of R&D tax credits;
► Policy challenges;
► Intangibles;
► Patents and technology transfer;
► R&D subsidies.
More information on the content of the Conference in the Background Note.
A selection of papers presented at the conference will be proposed for publication in an ISI listed International journal. The Scientific Committee of the Conference will also grant a Best Paper Award. There will be no conference registration fee.

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