
CONCORDi 2019: 7th European Conference on Corporate R&D and Innovation


(note: only authorised presentations are available)

Wednesday 25 September 2019

  • Opening plenary 

-Transforming industry: the role of Artificial Intelligence. Author: Dirk Pilat

  • Parallel sessions I

Parallel sessions I A

-Determinants of Productivity Gap in the European Union: A Multilevel Perspective. Authors: R.L. Bruno, E. Douarin, J. Korosteleva and S. Radosevic (University College London

-Types of innovation and firm's economic performance. Authors: M. Cincera and E. Ince  (Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE)

-Regulations and technology diffusion in Europe: the role of industry dynamics. Authors: S. Amoroso (European Commission-JRC, ES) and R. Martino (European Commission-DG RTD, BE)

Parallel sessions I B

-Digital technologies and their impact on EU employment and production. Authors: C. Midoes (Bruegel, BE) and G. Petropoulos (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) and Bruegel, BE)

-The digital transformation and labour demand in Italian enterprises. Authors A. de Panizza and S. De Santis (Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, IT)


Parallel sessions I C

-The EU vs US corporate R&D intensity gap: investigating key sectors and firms Authors: P. Moncada-Paternò-Castello and N. Grassano (European Commission- JRC, ES)

-Mapping Technological Trends: An analysis from the technological effort in the pharmaceutical industry. Authors: F. Gisele Basso and G. Silveira Porto (University of São Paulo, BR

-Dynamics of product and process innovation in low and medium-low technology  (LT &MLT) and high and medium-high technology (HT & MHT) firms in Poland. Authors: P. Dzikowski (University of Zielona Gora, PL)

  • Parallel sessions II

Parallel sessions II A

-Robots and their knowledge generation: patenting and firm-level performance. Authors: F. Montobbio, J. Staccioli, M.E. Virgillito and M. Vivarelli (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

-Digital servitization in manufacturing firms. Authors: B. Dachs (Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna)

-Digital adoption in Europe and the United States Authors: D. Rückert, R. Veugelers (KU Leuven, Bruegel, BE and CEPR, US) and C. Weiss (European Investment Bank, LU)

-Where are those robots? Towards Europe's Robot Geography: territorial and sectorial concentration versus diffusion of industrial robots Authors: Z. Cséfalvay (European Commission-JRC, ES)

Parallel sessions II B

- Links between R&D, innovation and export across European manufacturing firms. Authors: A. Segarra-Blasco, M. Teruel and S. Cattaruzzo (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, ES)

-Innovation and Legal Enforcement for Competition Policy: Theory and international evidence from overseassubsidiaries of the Japanese auto-parts suppliers. Authors: Y. Takeda (Sophia University, JP) and I. Uchida (Aichi University, JP)

-Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Innovation: A sectoral and geographic mapping. Authors: V. Van Roy (European Commission - JRC, ES), D. Vertesy, and G. Damioli (European Commission - JRC, IT)

Parallel sessions II C

-Place-based Innovation Ecosystems (PIE): Different Routes to Success? A Comparative Analysis of Five Case Studies R. Compañó (European Commission-JRC, ES). Authors: G. Rissola (European Commission-JRC, ES), J. Haberleithner (University of Colima, MX)

-Towards a better understanding of firms’ R&D and innovation value chains: insights from qualitative and quantitative evidence. Authors:M. Dosso (European Commission JRC, ES) and P. Ramirez (University of Birmingham, UK)

-Productivity growth and global value chain participation in the digital age. Authors:C. Battiati, C. Jona-Lasinio, and S. Sopranzetti (Luiss University, IT)

Thursday, 26 September 2019

  • Opening plenary 2

-"Related industrial diversification as an economic development strategy: theory, empirics and policy considerations" Author: Koen Frenken (Utrecht University, NL)

- "An entrepreneurial experience questing to change the world with artificial intelligence, science and weirdness" Author: Anita Schjøll Brede (Co-founder and CEO of IRIS.AI, NO)

Parallel sessions III

Parallel sessions III A

 -How Artificial Intelligence is Shaping Science. Authors:S. Bianchini, M. Muller and  P. Pelletier (University of Strasbourg, FR) 

 -The impact of robots on labour productivity: A panel data approach covering nine industries and 12 countries. Authors: A. Jungmittag European Commission-JRC, ES and Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, DE)  and A. Pesole European Commission-JRC, ES)

-Competences for the in-house development of digital innovations in German mechanical engineering companies. Authors: S. Kinkel (Karlsruhe University, DE) 

Parallel sessions III B

 -Can stimulating demand drive costs down? World War II as a natural experiment. Authors: F. Lafond, D. Greenwald and D. Farmer (University of Oxford, UK)

-Legitimation and effects of (mission-oriented) transformative innovation policies: A spillover perspective. Authors: M.J. Janssen (Utrecht University, NL)

 -Innovation performance and signal effect: Quasi-experimental evidence from European program. Authors: N. Levratto and A. Quignon (Université Paris Nanterre, FR)  

Parallel sessions III C

- Impact of R&D tax incentives on greenfield FDI projects in R&D activities. Authors: J. Baumgartner and M. Falk (Austrian Institute of Economic Research, AT)

-Are R&D tax incentives literature so effective? A meta-regression analysis. Authors: F. Blandinieres, D. Steinbrenner, (Centre for European Economic Research, DE) and B. Weiss (Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, DE)

 -R&D tax incentives: heterogeneous effects and the role of policy mix. Authors:S. Appelt, M. Bajgar, C. Criscuolo and F. Galindo-Rueda (OECD, FR)  

  • Parallel sessions IV

Parallel sessions IV A

 -Innovation for Inclusive Structural Change. Authors: T. Ciarli, M. Savona and J. Thorpe (University of Sussex, UK)

-Back to the future: scoping dynamics in industrial innovation. Authors: W. Bauer and S. Schimpf (Fraunhofer Group for Innovation Research, DE)

 -Experimental innovation policy. Author: A. Bravo-Biosca (Nesta, UK and Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, ES) 

-Industrial Innovation in Transition: international findings and a national innovation system reform in Finland based on these findings. Author: E. Ormala (Aalto Univerisity, FL)   

Parallel sessions IV B

 -Market Power and Innovation in the Intangible Economy. Author: M. De Ridder (University of Cambridge UK)

-Concordance and complementarity in IP instruments. Authors: M. Grazzi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, IT), C. Piccardo (University of Verona, IT) and C. Vergari (University of Pisa, IT)

 -Complementarities in capital formation and production across EU member states: tangible and intangible assets. Authors: P. Goodridge, J. Haskel (Imperial College, UK), A. Thum-Thysen and P. Voigt (European Commission, BE)   

Parallel sessions IV C

 -Digitalization, routineness and employment: An exploration on Italian task-based data. Authors: V .Cirillo (INAPP, IT), R. Evangelista  (University of Camerino, IT),  D. Guarascio (INAPP, IT) and M. Sostrero (European Commission, JRC, ES)  

-The Effects of Product and Process Innovation across the Value Chain on Different Type of Employment: An Empirical Case of Spanish Manufacturing Firms. Authors: A. Barge-Gila, G. Arenas Díaz, and J. Heijs (Complutense University, ES)

-Employment effects of innovation and R&D private and public collaboration: the role of knowledge spillovers in Europe. Authors: L. Aldieri, B. Bruno, L. Senatore and C.P. Vinci (University of Salerno, IT)  

  • Plenary session III – The policy perspective

-"Industrial innovation and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals" Author: Hiroshi Kuniyoshi (Deputy Director-General, United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO) 

-Investment, growth and structural reforms Author: Erik Canton (Deputy Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs – DG ECFIN)

-Value creation & the digital transformation of the economy. Author:Yves Paindevenie (Head of Sector, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology – DG CNECT)

  • Parallel sessions V

Parallel sessions V A

- Regional diversification patterns and key enabling technologies (KETs) in Italian regions. Authors: R. Antonietti (University of Padova, Italy) and S. Montresor (Gran Sasso Science Institute, IT)

-Dual use inventions: specialization or hybridization?. Authors: F. Caviggioli, A. De Marco, G. Scellato (Politecnico di Torino, IT), P. Gkotsis European Commission-JRC, ES) and A. Vezzani (Roma Tre University, IT). 

Parallel sessions V B

-Industrial Innovation Analysis and Evaluation Towards Industrial Symbiosis application in the Circular Economy Transformation. Authors: M. Demartini, F. Bertani, M. Raberto, S.Cincotti, F.Barberis and F. Tonelli (University of Genoa, IT)

 -Understanding EU’s Regional Potential in Low-Carbon Technologies. Authors: E. Bergamini, T. Linta, D. Tokuyama and G. Zachmann (Bruegel, BE) 

-Employment effects of sustainable transport – A scenario analysis for Germany using input-output modelling. Authors: L. Sievers and A. Grimm (Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, DE)

Friday, 27 September 2019

  • Opening plenary session IV

Presentations not available.

  • Parallel sessions VI

Parallel sessions VI A

-Innovation and inequality. A Schumpeterian look at the skill premium Authors:L . Cattani (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, IT), G.Guidetti (University of Bologna, IT) and R. Leoncini (University of Bologna, IT)

-Does Targeted R&D Grants towards SMEs Increase Employment and Demand for Skilled Labour?Authors:S.-O. Daunfeldt (Institute of Retail Economics, SE), D. Halvarsson, P. Gustavsson Tingvall (The Ratio Institute, SE) and A. McKelvie (Syracuse University, US)

-Innovation intensity and skills in firms across five European countries. Authors: M. Falk (Austrian Institute of Economic Research, AT) and E. Hagsten (University of Iceland, IS)

Parallel sessions VI B

 -Intangible investments and productivity performance. Authors: M. Cincera (Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE), J. Delanote (European Investment Bank, LU), P. Mohnen (University of Maastricht, NL), A. Santos (Université Libre de Bruxelles, iCite, BE) and C. Weiss (European Investment Bank, LU) 

Parallel sessions VI C

-The Micro-Foundations of Catch-up. Evidence from European Patent Data for South Korean and Chinese Firms. Authors: B. Ebersberger, M. Feit and H. Mengis (University of Hohenheim, DE)

  • Parallel sessions VII

Parallel sessions VII A

-R&D Subsidies and Firms’ Debt Financing. Authors: A. Bellucci (European Commission JRC, IT), L. Pennacchio (Università di Napoli Parthenope, IT) and A. Zazzaro (Università di Napoli Federico II, IT)

-Effectiveness and Efficacy of R&D Subsidies: Estimating Treatment Effects with One-sided Noncompliance. Authors: P. Böing and B. Peters, (Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, DE)

Parallel sessions VII B

-Predicting innovation dynamics in the technological ecosystem. Authors: A. Pichler, F. Lafond and J. Doyne Farmer (University of Oxford, UK)

-Sustainable energy transition and policy mix design in the European Union: a trade-based supply value chain approach Authors: V. Costantini and E. Paglialunga (Roma Tre University, IT)

Parallel sessions VII C

-Innovation, Structural Change, and Inclusion. A Cross Country PVAR Analysis. Authors: A. Saha (Institute of Development Studies, UK) and T. Ciarli (University of Sussex, UK)

-Threats and opportunities in the digital era: automation spikes  and employment dynamics. Authors: G. Domini (Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL), M. Grazzi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, IT), D. Moschella (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, IT) and T. Treibich (University of Maastricht, NL)

-Technological innovation and local labour markets: A complex system analysis. Authors: A. Sbardella (Tor Vergata University, IT), L. Napolitano (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IT) and E. Pugliese (European Commission, JRC, ES)

  • Closing plenary session V

-"New technologies, structural change, and industrial transformation". Author: Mariagrazia Squicciarini (OECD, FR; Members of Scientific Committee, CONCORDi 2019)

-"Industrial innovation and socio-economic transformation" Author: Chiara Criscuolo (OECD, FR; Members of Scientific Committee, CONCORDi 2019)